Monday, September 5, 2011

Unofficial End of Summer

Labor Day at the Park Ridge Pool marks our unofficial end of Summer! Even though today was overcast, nothing was going to stop us from missing all the exciting closing day activities at the pool! Grace enjoyed taking her raft into the big pool and jumping in to Mommy and Daddy countless times. Grace and Andrew participated in the Penny Toss in the Kiddie Pool, and Grace found "the golden penny!" This was her second time winning the gigantic watermelon! As always, we had fun with the Wally and Denis Klein families. Grace and Andrew are going to miss seeing their cousins on such a regular basis! We had such a wonderful Summer together.
Grace, Shane, and Megan had fun with their rafts in the BIG pool!
Grace going for "the golden penny!"
Look at all the pennies our "Little Man" found! He loves money!
Handing in the winning penny
Genny helped Grace carry her prize:-)
"It's HEAVY!"

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