Friday, September 23, 2011

Pretty Kate Looking Great!

Our little "Princess Kate" turned 1 week old today, and of course, this called for a photo shoot! It has been an amazing week! Grace and Andrew are enjoying their baby sister. They're always offering kisses and cuddles, and they love spending time with her. Dan and I can't get enough of our baby girl. She is so much fun to snuggle with, and she's such a little sweetheart. LuLu has been here every day this week to help us out, which has been a Godsend! My mom has been driving Grace to Lollipop School, taking Andrew to story time, and cooking delicious meals each night. We're so thankful to have the extra set of hands, and Grace, Andrew, and Kate are enjoying quality time with their LuLu! Happy 1 week birthday to our littlest sweetheart! We love you! xoxo
LuLu and her 11th grandchild
I love my babies!!!
My 1 week old
"Katie, Katie, Pretty Lady"
I hope that Andrew always feels this way about his baby sister!
Totally sweet ~ From her head to her feet!

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