Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dear Peanut

Dear Peanut,
We are all so excited to meet you tomorrow! We can't wait to find out if our newest team member is a girl or a boy! Daddy and I are prepared to name you Joseph Daniel, if you're a boy. We're still toying with girls names. Katherine and Daniella are our two favorites. Grace and Andrew have their "Big Sister" and "Big Brother" shirts ready to go, and I bought you lots of adorable girl and boy things. I guess I'm going to have to make lots of returns after you're born. It's amazing how much we already love you, and you haven't even made your debut yet! I can't wait to hold you in my arms tomorrow! We're praying for a safe delivery! We have so many hopes for you already, but most importantly we hope you are a healthy and happy baby. God bless you Peanut! See you tomorrow! xoxo
Mommy, Daddy, Bernadette Grace, and Andrew

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