Sunday, September 18, 2011

Welcome Home!

After receiving a clean bill of health from Dr. Thomas and Dr. Kopp this morning, we packed up and brought our sweet baby girl home! She looked beautiful in her "coming home from the hospital outfit." Kate checked out of the hospital at 8 pounds, 1 ounce, and we're going to make a pediatrician appointment for her tomorrow so we can monitor her bilirubin. Grace, Andrew, and LuLu welcomed Katherine Rose home with flowers and a balloon. She's such a little angel, and we're so happy that Team Colonna is now officially a "Party of 5!"
The Proud Parents
My Little Angel
Daddy's Girl
She looked adorable in her "coming home from the hospital outfit!"
Sweet Kate
"I've had enough of this place. Let's head home, Mommy and Daddy!"
Grace was so excited when Kate arrived home! She gave her a BIG kiss before heading to her friend Lucia's princess party.
Aunt Dana surprised us with "It's a GIRL" balloons!
Grace surprised us with pink Gerber Daisies, and Andrew picked out the perfect balloon (thanks to LuLu and Pop)!
When Aunt Dana and Uncle Vito arrived for Sunday dinner, they brought big sister and big brother gifts! Grace loves her new Ariel gown, and Andrew's crazy about his new Cars!
Andrew and his "buddy"
Ta Da!!! Ariel sure knows how to strike a beautiful arabesque!
Grace loves opening all of Kate's presents!
Our very own comedian... Mr. Potato Head!

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