Friday, September 16, 2011

Introducing... Katherine Rose

Witnessing a miracle is a true blessing! Today at 1:22 pm we welcomed with love a beautiful, BABY GIRL! Katherine Rose is an absolute delight! She's such a sweet baby, and we're so thankful that she's healthy! We got to the hospital at about 6:30 this morning, and I was induced soon after. I happily received my epidural at about 11:00, but it didn't work on the left side of my body, which was a bit of a pain. However, we were pleased that the labor didn't last long, and before we knew it, we were pleasantly surprised with our adorable baby girl! Everyone seemed very convinced that we were having a boy, and I was positive I was carrying a girl, until week 36 (when the heart rate began to lower and our sonogram photo looked a bit like Andrew). Kate has a lot of the same features as her big sister and brother. So, once again, I think this little angel will look like her Daddy. It's a good thing I married such a handsome man! After the delivery, my legs were extremely numb. So, we had to stay on the recovery floor a little longer than we anticipated. When we were moved to our private room on the 4th floor, we were anxious for the nurses to bring us our freshly bathed beauty. While baby Kate was in the nursery, she received her measurements... she weighed in at 8 pounds 6.6 ounces and measured 19 3/4 inches. We're sure that she's filled with "sugar and spice and everything nice." We enjoyed spending the rest of the day with our little miracle, and we welcomed lots of visitors. We're anxious for Grace and Andrew to meet their baby sister tomorrow! Dan and I are very blessed, and we're loving this time in our lives!
Daddy's first time holding Katherine Rose.
Moments after her birth... such a beauty!
I couldn't wait to hold her in my arms!
Katherine received this adorable hat from the nursery.
She's our "Brown Eyed Girl!" I can't believe that she is already so bright eyed!
Daddy time! We have a very similar picture of Danny and Grace in the hospital after her birth.
The proud parents
We had lots of visitors on our first night!
Katherine and her Great Grandmother... Nanny
Aunt Dana was honored to be asked to be Katherine's Godmother!

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