Friday, September 30, 2011

Tutu weeks

In honor of Kate's 2 week birthday, Grace and I decided to dress her in a tutu! Our sweet little angel has filled our hearts with joy! Grace and Andrew are crazy about their baby sister. Grace even got to show her off at Lollipop School this past Wednesday! Kate's little eyelashes are growing in, and we're still waiting for her umbilical cord to completely fall off. She makes the cutest sounds, eats well, and is very alert. I'm happy that she makes so much eye contact with us, and I'm always wondering what she's thinking. I forgot how much babies sleep, and Kate's a very good sleeper (during the day at least). I love to cuddle with her as much as possible! Katherine Rose is a perfect addition to our family.
Our "tutu cute" two week old
"little miss princess" giving a little smile:-)
She's such a snuggle bunny in her jammies!
Andrew wanted to be part of the two week photo shoot, too! He looks like such a big boy with his new hair cut!

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