Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back to School

Grace had great 1st day of Pre-K! She was so happy to see so many of her friends, and meet her new teacher, Miss Heather! At drop off, she was a pro... Andrew and I each received a hug and kiss, and then she happily waved good-bye (what a difference a year can make). Grace had a lot to report at pick up. She enjoyed painting, singing, and hearing the story The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. I'm hoping that Grace has an enjoyable and academically enriching school year! Andrew and I will certainly miss spending time with our favorite girl Tuesday - Friday mornings!
Best Buddies!
Grace and her friend, Joey
Grace and her new teacher, Miss Heather
After Lollipop School, we went to The Ridge Diner for a celebratory lunch with LuLu:-)

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