Friday, September 30, 2011

Tutu weeks

In honor of Kate's 2 week birthday, Grace and I decided to dress her in a tutu! Our sweet little angel has filled our hearts with joy! Grace and Andrew are crazy about their baby sister. Grace even got to show her off at Lollipop School this past Wednesday! Kate's little eyelashes are growing in, and we're still waiting for her umbilical cord to completely fall off. She makes the cutest sounds, eats well, and is very alert. I'm happy that she makes so much eye contact with us, and I'm always wondering what she's thinking. I forgot how much babies sleep, and Kate's a very good sleeper (during the day at least). I love to cuddle with her as much as possible! Katherine Rose is a perfect addition to our family.
Our "tutu cute" two week old
"little miss princess" giving a little smile:-)
She's such a snuggle bunny in her jammies!
Andrew wanted to be part of the two week photo shoot, too! He looks like such a big boy with his new hair cut!

Lil' Pumpkins

I feel like I blinked my eyes and Autumn arrived! After I picked Grace up from Lollipop School this afternoon, Aunt Dana came for a visit, and we decided to take the kidoodles to DePiero's Farm. We enjoyed visiting the pumpkin patch, running through the hay maze, and feeding the animals. Before heading home, Aunt Dana stopped at the bakery and bought Grace and Andrew some Halloween cupcakes. It's definitely feeling like Fall around here, and I had my first pumpkin spiced latte of the season at Starbucks this morning (which makes it official).
She's the sweetest little Frankenstein I ever did see!
My "little man" was the cutest pumpkin in the patch. He fell asleep during the car ride to the farm. Poor Andrew missed all the fun!
We found the perfect sized pumpkin for Kate!
Grace and Aunt Dana had a great time running through the hay maze. Grace liked it so much that they did it twice!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Lids

LuLu, Kate, and I took Grace and Andrew to Snips and Pips this afternoon for "lid adjustments." Andrew looks like such a "big boy" with his new haircut, and Grace loved showing LuLu her "beauty salon." Snips for Pips is truly the best place in the world for children's haircuts! Grace and Andrew sat in cool seats and watched Dora and Diego. They love getting pampered. Before leaving, LuLu bought the girls fancy hair accessories and she even found a cool Toy Story maraca for Andrew. We've been loving our time with LuLu! My mom has been extremely helpful with the kiddos these last two weeks! Thank you, LuLu! We love you like crazy! xoxo
Glamorous Grace
What a big boy!!! The back of his neck is no longer covered in curls:-( He looks quite handsome!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happy Anniversary, Nana and Grandpa!

We had a very relaxing Sunday. We took Kate to Mass with us this morning, and she received a blessing from Fr. Bob. After Mass, we had an impromptu play date at the park with the Mussolino's. We spent the afternoon watching football and napping, and Grace went with Nana to the "beauty salon" for a manicure and pedicure! We had Sunday dinner at our house tonight, and we celebrated Nana and Grandpa's 39th wedding anniversary. "Sunday Funday" is living up to it's name!
Nana and Grandpa with their THREE grandchildren! (Sometimes, it takes a photo to realize... "Wow, we have 3 kids!")
The "Anniversary Song" is one of Grace and Andrew's favorite songs!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Pretty Kate Looking Great!

Our little "Princess Kate" turned 1 week old today, and of course, this called for a photo shoot! It has been an amazing week! Grace and Andrew are enjoying their baby sister. They're always offering kisses and cuddles, and they love spending time with her. Dan and I can't get enough of our baby girl. She is so much fun to snuggle with, and she's such a little sweetheart. LuLu has been here every day this week to help us out, which has been a Godsend! My mom has been driving Grace to Lollipop School, taking Andrew to story time, and cooking delicious meals each night. We're so thankful to have the extra set of hands, and Grace, Andrew, and Kate are enjoying quality time with their LuLu! Happy 1 week birthday to our littlest sweetheart! We love you! xoxo
LuLu and her 11th grandchild
I love my babies!!!
My 1 week old
"Katie, Katie, Pretty Lady"
I hope that Andrew always feels this way about his baby sister!
Totally sweet ~ From her head to her feet!

Monday, September 19, 2011

First Outing

I took Kate for a little outing today... her 1st appointment at Chestnut Ridge Pediatrics with Dr. Stoller. She weighed in at 8 pounds, 5 ounces, and we've been told not to worry about her bilirubin. We no longer have to supplement her with an ounce of formula after her feedings... thank goodness! She received her first shot for Hepatitis B, and she received a clean bill of health.
Kate looked like a little diva for her first outing;-)
It's amazing how tiny she looks in her car seat!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Welcome Home!

After receiving a clean bill of health from Dr. Thomas and Dr. Kopp this morning, we packed up and brought our sweet baby girl home! She looked beautiful in her "coming home from the hospital outfit." Kate checked out of the hospital at 8 pounds, 1 ounce, and we're going to make a pediatrician appointment for her tomorrow so we can monitor her bilirubin. Grace, Andrew, and LuLu welcomed Katherine Rose home with flowers and a balloon. She's such a little angel, and we're so happy that Team Colonna is now officially a "Party of 5!"
The Proud Parents
My Little Angel
Daddy's Girl
She looked adorable in her "coming home from the hospital outfit!"
Sweet Kate
"I've had enough of this place. Let's head home, Mommy and Daddy!"
Grace was so excited when Kate arrived home! She gave her a BIG kiss before heading to her friend Lucia's princess party.
Aunt Dana surprised us with "It's a GIRL" balloons!
Grace surprised us with pink Gerber Daisies, and Andrew picked out the perfect balloon (thanks to LuLu and Pop)!
When Aunt Dana and Uncle Vito arrived for Sunday dinner, they brought big sister and big brother gifts! Grace loves her new Ariel gown, and Andrew's crazy about his new Cars!
Andrew and his "buddy"
Ta Da!!! Ariel sure knows how to strike a beautiful arabesque!
Grace loves opening all of Kate's presents!
Our very own comedian... Mr. Potato Head!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Party of 5

Danny and I woke up anxious for LuLu and Pop to arrive with Grace and Andrew to meet their baby sister. We're fortunate to have such fabulous babysitters watching our little sweethearts (at our house), while we're at the hospital this weekend. We dressed Kate in her "Lil Sis" onesie and fancy headband for the occasion. Grace and Andrew were so happy to meet their baby, and they were unbelievably gentle with her (let's hope this continues)! We had such a fun visit, and we're looking forward to taking Kate home with us tomorrow! We also received visits from Aunt Debbie, Uncle Ronnie, The Wally Klein Family, Auntie Natalie, Nana, Grandpa, Aunt Dana, and Uncle Vito. This was a big day for Katherine Rose... not only did she get to meet lots of VIP family members, but she also passed her first test (for hearing)! Kate also received a bilirubin test today, which came back high. So, we'll have to keep our eye on her. All 3 of our babies have had jaundice and they all have A+ blood (just like their Daddy). Apparently, I'm just the carrier of Colonna children;-) Katherine Rose is such a doll. We're loving every minute with her, and we're feeling extremely blessed!
Kate was dressed to impress! We knew that we were going to have lots of visitors today!
LuLu and her "Colonna" girls:-)
Party of 5
I love that Kate's smiling in this picture! She is so lucky to have such a loving big brother and sister!
Andrew's saying, "Cheese!"
My 3 little sweethearts

Me and my girls
Grace and Andrew loved their big sister and big brother gifts. Grace received 2 new princesses and Andrew has 4 new Toy Story friends to add to his ever growing collection!
LuLu, Pop, and the girls
Kate with her Great Aunt Debbie and Great Uncle Ronnie
The Wally Klein family came to visit us, too! They're another one of our favorite parties of 5!
Katherine Rose with her Godfather, Uncle Wally
Grandpa, Nana, and their littlest angel