Saturday, July 2, 2011

We Heart Laura!

We just enjoyed two very exciting days with one of our favorite people... "Laura Loo" Klacik! When I was a teenager, Laura was my next door neighbor on DeGroff Place. I still remember the day she was born, and I cherish the memories that I made with Laura and her family through the years. Laura holds a special place in our hearts because she was our junior bridesmaid, and I was her confirmation sponsor. Danny and I spent many weekend nights babysitting for the Klaciks, and now, we WISH that Laura was our next door neighbor so we could have her as our babysitter!
Grace and Andrew had so much fun playing and swimming with Laura these last two days. When Laura arrived yesterday, she came bearing gifts. Grace couldn't wait for Laura to give her a manicure and pedicure with her new pink, purple, and sparkly nail polish! By the time Laura left this evening, they had matching fingernails:-) Laura fit right in at our Friday "Family Date Night" at Brooklyn's and Ben and Jerry's. We even stopped at Crumbs for some cupcakes on our way home. After Grace, Andrew, and Dan fell asleep, Laura and I enjoyed watching one of the final episodes of Friday Night Lights. Today we had another fun filled day at the Park Ridge Pool, and then we headed to Brady's for a quick dinner. Grace and Andrew were so happy to have Laura with them as they ate and watched the "choo choo's" pass outside our table window. Grace and Andrew had lots of hugs and kisses for Laura before she left, and we're already looking forward to her next visit!
Grace had so much fun swimming with Laura in the "BIG pool."
Andrew LOVES his "girlfriend!"
Laura and Grace at Brady's at the Station
Goodbye Laura Loo! Please come visit us again soon! We love you! xoxo

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