Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Big Girl Bed"

With our new baby soon approaching, Danny and I thought it was time for Grace to have her very own "big girl bed!" We were hesitant about getting a bed, because Grace always loved her crib! She never jumped out of it, and she always looked so cozy. However, once we picked out her princess bedding yesterday, she couldn't wait climb into her "big girl bed!" We picked up my day bed from LuLu and Pop's this afternoon. While Dan disassembled the bed, Grace and Andrew had fun visiting with Olivia and Nicky. Once we were home, Grace was in her glory as we began setting up her bed! She kept saying "Thank you, Mommy and Daddy! Thank you!," and she kept telling us how much she LOVES her new bed! I've never seen a child go to sleep so happy! I hope the transition will continue to go as smoothly as it did tonight! Now, the next step is to move Andrew into "the big kids room!" We briefly tried tonight, but I think we'll have to wait another week. I was a little teary eyed when I went in to check on Grace tonight, and she was snuggled up in her princess sheets. I can't believe my baby girl is so big! Sweet dreams sweetheart! I love you! xoxo
Grace and her favorite princess, Ariel
Ta Da! She LOVES her "big girl bed!"
Mission Accomplished ~ Sweet Dreams

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