Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tumbling Into Two

Andrew's 2nd birthday party was a super fun afternoon... "to infinity and beyond!" The birthday boy was such a little ham and loved all the attention! Dan and I kept commenting on how happy we were to see Andrew enjoying himself so much! We had a great turnout including: 20 children, 10 infants, and countless adults. JW Tumbles always throws a great party! Team Colonna didn't want the festivities to come to an end. So, we stopped at Dairy Queen on our drive home to have some ice cream. Andrew and Grace enjoyed opening presents, and then we headed to the pool for a little bit before our Sunday dinner at Nana and Grandpa's.
Andrew chose to have a Toy Story theme for his 2nd birthday party:-) He's slightly obsessed with Woody, Buzz, and Rex!
Toy Story Cake and Aunt Dana's Delicious Cupcakes
Andrew might have been fast asleep when he arrived at his party, but it didn't take him long to start exploring the gym with his Tumbles buddy, Brady. He is such a little daredevil, and he loves climbing!
Nanny and the Colonna/Killeen cousins:-)
The Faller Family
Erica, Nikki, and Dina with their little cutie pies
During Circle Time, the children were quite busy. They stretched, sang songs (including Andrew's favorite... "The Wheels on the Bus") and enjoyed playing with the parachute.
The birthday boy got a chance to sit out on the parachute all by himself!
Then, his big sister was asked to join in the fun!
Andrew and his friends had a great time playing under the parachute!
Bubble Time!
Grace was covered with bubbles!
Daddy and Aunt Dana
Olivia and Grace pretended they were monkeys:-)
My best friend, Heather, and her little man, Jack
Our little man is one strong guy! He can hold on all by himself!
Can you tell he enjoyed his party?
All of the "Space Rangers"
Here are some of the Klein cousins at pizza/cake time:-)
Olivia and Aunt Maylene
Make a wish!
Team Colonna
Zip Lining
The birthday boy with Nana and Grandpa
My Godson, Edward, and the best big sister... EVER!
Andrew used Julie's microphone to say "Thank you," which sometimes sounds like "cookie." He was so cute! He thanked his Daddy and told everyone he had a "good" time! I was so impressed that he wasn't the least bit shy to talk to everyone on the microphone!
His shirt read "Future Quarterback" on the front, and here's the back:-)

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