Tuesday, July 26, 2011

32 Week Ultrasound

It's hard to believe that our little sweetheart will be here in less than 2 months! At the ultrasound today, we found out that our Peanut isn't quite so little! The technician has predicted that our baby is already approximately 4 pounds, 13 ounces. They say that the estimate could be off a pound either way. So, it's looking like I won't make it to September 21st without being induced. In fact, I'm currently scheduled to have a c-section on Friday, September 16th at 7:30 AM because Peanut is breech. However, I'm confidant that this baby is going to turn:-) I'm hoping that when I go to my next appointment, on August 12th, they'll tell me our Peanut is in position! We're having fun guessing whether we're having a boy or a girl. I've been pretty confidant that it's a girl. However, when I went for my ultrasound today, the baby's heartrate was 138 and the baby was wide awake and very active. This leads me to think that we're possibly having a boy? Grace and Andrew are getting excited for their new sibling. I'm usually sporting some sort of sticker on my belly "for the baby." We're looking forward to meeting the newest member of our team, and we're praying for a healthy and happy baby!
Hello Joseph, Katherine, or Daniella! xoxo

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