Friday, July 15, 2011

May All Your Wishes Come True!

Dear Andrew,
It's hard to believe that you're already 2 years old! You bring everyone so much joy! Your smile lights up a room, and people are constantly reminding me how cute you are:-) You are my little sweetheart, and you're quite a daredevil. This past year, you've been totally fearless, which often makes Mommy quite nervous. You love to climb, run, and wrestle with Daddy (and Grace, but she's not crazy about it). I've got lots of nicknames for you including "my little boyfriend" and "my little man." Every night, you love to get cuddled and listen to stories and songs. You're my "little cuddle bunny." You love to have your back scratched, and you don't like to go into your crib. Usually, you fall asleep in our bed, and if you wake up you call, "Mommy, oh Mommy" or "hold me, hold me, hold me." Before your little brother or sister arrives, we're going to move you into "the big kids room," and you and Grace will be roommates. You're quite a character. You're very funny, and you know it! You love to say, "No way!," and you love to play with all of your Toy Story toys! I'm so thankful that you are such a happy and healthy little boy. I love you like crazy, and I love being your Mommy! Thank you for all the happiness you bring me each and every day! xoxo
Love always,
We started off the day right! I sang Andrew "Happy Birthday," and he blew out the candles on his favorite kind of Dunkin' Donut.
LuLu, Grace, and I took Andrew to Friendly's for a celebratory lunch.
He LOVED his balloons and ice cream!
We had dinner at our "Godfamily's" house. Andrew enjoyed pizza and ice cream with his cousins:-)

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