Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Celebration Continues...

What a day! Little Man got to hear the "Happy Birthday" song twice today! In addition to his JW Tumbles party this morning, Nana and Grandpa threw him a celebratory birthday dinner and dessert tonight. We had a great night! It was the perfect way to end a fun filled day!
It only seems fitting that our soon to be 2 year old should have 2 cakes to celebrate his birth!
Daddy felt that Andrew's birthday shirt needed an accessory! Andrew LOVED wearing Daddy's Fordham football helmet!
Make a wish Sheriff Woody!
Aunt Dana and Mommy had a celebratory birthday cake, too:-)
Andrew had so much fun opening presents today! He especially loves his new "Sit and Spin" and "Bubble Mower" from his buddy, Uncle Vito!

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