Saturday, December 29, 2012

Winter Wonderland

What a wonderful day! Before it began to snow, we went to Brianna's birthday party! Grace and Andrew had fun playing with their friends from Lollipop School.
Once it started to snow, Grace couldn't wait to get out there with Daddy! They made snow angels, had snowball fights, and enjoyed some quality time together!
As soon as Andrew woke up from his nap, he wanted to play too! So, I bundled up my babies!
Kate looked like a scene from "A Christmas Story." She was so bundled up that she had a hard time keeping her arms down.
We were so happy so excited to see Hadley, and we decided to make a snowman together!
After we finished building Frosty, we headed in for some hot chocolate with marshmallows. Then we were off to The Shannon Rose for a family date night! It's been really nice having Dan home this past week!

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