Sunday, December 2, 2012

Colonna Christmas Celebration

The Colonna Clan decided to kick-off the Christmas festivities a bit early this year! We had such a wonderful day spending time together, watching the children open their presents, and participating in our annual White Elephant gift exchange. We had lots of laughs, and we enjoyed seeing the little ones play with their new toys!
Mr. & Mrs. Claus
It was fun watching all of the little ones play together so nicely.
Buddy the Elf delivered festive Christmas pajamas at Nana and Grandpa's house for Grace, Andrew, and Kate!
We even kicked-off Daddy's 35th birthday festivities.
Grace and John were happy to help Aunt Debbie select a White Elephant gift.
Aunt Debbie always makes it interesting! This year she attached a gift card to some reindeer poop!
Kate's shirt reads, "Santa Loves Me!"
Nana, Grandpa, and their little sweeties in their new Christmas jammies.

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