Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Daddy's 35th Birthday!

I can't believe that Dan turned 35 today! I guess it's true that "time flies when you're having fun!" The kids and I threw Daddy a Jet's Football party this evening. We made all of his favorites... chicken parmigiana, white cake with chocolate icing, and chocolate chip cookies! It was a fun celebration, and we were happy that LuLu and Pop joined us. Happy birthday Daddy! xoxo
Grace, Andrew, and Kate couldn't wait to give Daddy his presents when he returned home from work!
We even got him a football hat and whistle! Can you tell we like to shop at Party Fair?
Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to snap a picture of the cake before Kate had a taste.
Team Colonna (Dan received matching striped pajamas as part of his gift.  I can't wait for the whole team to match on Christmas morning!)
Happy Birthday! We love you! xoxo

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