Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was magical! Grace, Andrew, and Katherine's eyes danced as they saw all the surprises that Santa left them under the Christmas tree! We had so much fun opening presents together! 
Grace and Andrew had so much fun hippity-hopping through the house on their jumping balls!
Santa's response filled them with joy, and they think he's a "very messy eater!"
There was plenty of "Scooby stuff" under the tree!
Fresh Beats!
Scooby figurines!
Dora and Boots!
Santa accidentally left some of their gifts under Donna and Al's tree!
We enjoyed having Nana, Grandpa, LuLu, and Pop over for breakfast!
Everyone always loves getting a crown, joke, and surprise in their Christmas Cracker.
Katherine learned how to unwrap presents!
Grace loves her new Molly doll, and she couldn't wait to put on the matching pajamas that LuLu and Pop got for her and her Bitty Baby.

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