Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Continues...

Dan and I agree that this was the best Christmas of our lives! The joy that we saw on our children's faces was priceless, and our day was filled with memorable surprises! We feel so blessed to be the parents of our 3 most cherished gifts!
Santa came to Nana and Grandpa's house, too!
Look at the beautiful candy Christmas tree that Aunt Dana made for her favorite kiddies!
"All I Want for Christmas is You!" 
Presents from Aunt Dana always look too pretty to unwrap!
Nana's favorite gift came in this box!
Can you tell how much she liked her Katy Perry CD?
Andrew was so excited to give Nana the Cinderella ornament that he picked out for her!
When Andrew opened his Switch and Go Dino he said, "This is JUST what I wanted!"
DORRRRRRRRRRRA! "You know she's watched too many Dora episodes when she starts to roll her r's!"
AND the winner of the most outfit changes today goes to... MOLLY!
Mommy's Boyfriend

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