Thursday, June 2, 2011

24 Weeks

Grace and Andrew accompanied me to my 24 week check-up this afternoon. Baby Colonna is very active (especially at night right after my daily Italian Ice). The heart rate was in the low 150's today. So, Dan is still guessing that we're having a girl, but I'm not so sure. It's fun trying to guess who's kicking around in there. Grace has been asking lots of questions about the new baby, and I think she's very excited. She put a sticker on my belly for the baby yesterday, and she talks to him/her sometimes. Andrew is blissfully unaware that his title as "baby of the family" will be taken in a few months time. I've been enjoying every moment with my little sweethearts. I LOVE my babies, and I can't believe we're going to have a new little one soon:-)

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