Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Sprinkle for Me & Peanut #3

I just returned from an incredibly thoughtful and completely unexpected "Sprinkle" for me and Peanut #3! Dana and my mother-in-law pulled off an amazing surprise! I was under the impression that our Sunday dinner was going to be in conjunction with a small celebration for Nanny and Poppy's upcoming anniversary. So, I was totally shocked when I walked into the house and everyone was taking my picture. Once I looked over and saw some of my Tumbles friends, I knew that we were going to party, but I still wasn't quite sure what we were celebrating. I was delighted when I found out that I was getting a Sprinkle!

It was a fun-filled afternoon complete with all of my favorite things! Dana selected a travel theme, which was carried through with the food and the chic stationary for the "One Hot Mama" Memory/Advice Box, which will be a great way for our new little sweetheart to get to know me a little better. Everyone wrote such sweet comments and made sure to note that I'm typically a little "tardy for the party." The tables looked fabulous from food to flowers! It was a Colonna event, so, there was a ton of food... to start: bean dip, spinach dip, and scones (with a variety of jams and clotted cream) our entrees included: tea sandwiches, quiche, orzo salad, and green salad and for dessert: petit fours, chocolate covered strawberries, rainbow cookies, and the most sensational, Chanel inspired Strawberry Shortcake.

I feel so blessed to have such thoughtful family and friends. Even though it was a "Sprinkle," I was showered with love. I look forward to using all my new gift cards and pampering myself a little bit before the baby arrives. Peanut also received lots of cute presents including a "Guess How Much I Love You" 13 month calendar, bath toys, and a PBK 3-way shadow box that's going to look great in the nursery! A BIG THANK YOU to Dana for planning such a memorable day! I can't believe our little Peanut will be here in only a few short months! We're all looking forward to meeting you Peanut Colonna!!! xoxo
When everyone greeted me at the door, I was totally shocked! I love surprises!
Alison, Jen, Me, Krista, Nicole, Marta, Kristy, and Nikki
Me, Jen, Stacie, Mom C., Terry, Jess, Mom K., Maylene, Mary, and Nanny
Dana is the BEST little sister I could have ever dreamed of, and she's an outstanding party planner, too!
My Tumbles friends showered me with adorable, thoughtful gifts! I LOVE our new "Team Colonna" multicolored shirts for the soon to be "Party of 5!"
They also included a beautiful, Lenox frame and gift card to Picture People! My Tumbles friends know me well! Matching "Team Colonna" shirts provide a fantastic photo opportunity!
The centerpieces were gorgeous!
Terry and I were ready to attack the entrees:-)
Jen, Stacie, Jess, and I
Nanny made me her delicious scones!
I had so much fun reading the memories and advice for our Peanut.
Grace wrote me a note, too, and she chose London stationary... how fitting:-)
The boys came back for some dessert! I love my little man's big hugs!
My GORGEOUS Cake ~ "A Sprinkle of Love for Dee and Peanut #3"
Some of the guests thought the C's stood for Colonna... maybe I can use that tactic to talk Danny into my next purchase:-)
The Colonna women ~ Terry is an honorary Colonna!
The Klein girls ~ xoxo
I was so fortunate to spend the entire day with one of my dearest friends, Alison. I don't know how she managed to sit with me at the Baptism this morning and not slip on my Sprinkle surprise!
Team Colonna
Here we are modeling our "Team Colonna" tee shirts!
Grace got two adorable "Big Sister" gifts from Aunt Dana... a fancy ballerina floor puzzle and a fab Lilly Pulitzer bathing suit.
Andrew loved his "Big Brother" gift... Slinky Dog!
Danny and I even got a "date night" gift basket for after Peanut arrives! I can't wait to go to Cafe Panache, in a new Anthropologie outfit, with our celebratory bottle of wine!

1 comment:

  1. I love that people though the C's stood for Colonna. I remember in London when it was John's birthday and you must have left your bag on the floor, and Dan dropped some hot pizza on his ... nether regions and the pizza fell on the floor. Without fail you rushed for the bag as quick as you could......
