Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

We certainly made memories this Memorial Day Weekend:-) It was a gorgeous day and we had a fun filled family day at the parade and pool. It was so nice having Dan home for a 3 day weekend! He's been super busy at his new job at UBS, and we were happy to spend lots of time with him!
Andrew woke up ready to celebrate!
We were all decked out in our red, white, and blue today!
Happy Memorial Day! (Holiday photo shoots are imperative.)
Grace was so happy to see her friend, Amanda, at the parade. They have so much fun together at Lollipop School and dance class.
Andrew and Daddy waved to all the firetrucks.
We always sit with the Denis Klein family! The children were pleased with all the candy they received from the scouts during the parade.
Grace doesn't really like sitting in the stroller anymore, and she's not crazy about walking either:-)
Perfect pool day
Grace and Andrew are crazy about their "Pop!"
The Klein/Colonna cousins (minus Edward and Shannon)

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