Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer Dance

Grace began her summer "creative movement" dance class today. We were excited to meet her new dance teacher, Miss Sandi, who will also be her teacher for "Princess Camp" in July. Grace was concerned that none of her friends from Miss Stephanie's class were there, but we were happily greeted by Jen and Madeline Moss:-) Grace and Madeline were even partners at one point during class! By the end of class, Grace was exhausted. She didn't want to participate in freeze dance or the conga line:-( I guess Lollipop School, Jake's birthday party, a quick visit to LuLu and Pop's, and dance class is too much to ask of a 3 year old! Although we were very busy, we certainly had a fun filled day!
Singing... "I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee, Won't my Mommy be so proud of me..."
Dancing with Madeline
A little disheveled after quite a busy day:-)

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