Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

We're so fortunate to have so many amazing men in our lives! Dan began his Father's Day on the golf course bright and early with his Dad, uncle, and cousin. Grace, Andrew, and I started our morning with Pop and LuLu at The Ridge Diner. We had a delicious breakfast and enjoyed spending some quality time with Pop. Then, we headed home to greet our favorite man... Daddy! We showered him with hugs, kisses, and Father's Day gifts! His favorite gift was a beautiful, handmade picture frame that Grade made at Lollipop school, which says, "Dad, you're a star!" Before heading to a barbecue at Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ronnie's, we had the honor of watching Daniel James Moss get Baptized.
We had a wonderful afternoon with all the Colonna's! Grace and I were the first to take a dip in Aunt Debbie and Uncle Ronnie's pool. Although the water was a bit cold, she had lots of fun jumping in, and Andrew took a little swim, too. It was cute watching all the Colonna cousins play together on the deck during the barbecue. When it was time for dessert, we had cake to celebrate Nanny's birthday, and all of the children helped blow out the candles. Our newest Picture People shots were a big hit today. Grace and Andrew brought smiles to Daddy, Pop, Grandpa, Poppy, and Uncle Ronnie's faces! Happy Father's Day to all the Daddies!
Andrew and his buddy, Pop
Andrew, LuLu, Grace, and Pop
Grace and Andrew had so much fun giving Daddy his cards and gifts. Can you tell how much Dan loved the picture frame that Grace made him?
Andrew enjoyed showing off his Buzz card. He decorated Daddy's card with Toy Story stickers and Grace decorated her card with Princess stickers:-)
Grandpa, Andrew, Poppy, Grace, and Danny... 4 generations of Colonna's!
"Happy birthday dear Nanny!" Nanny and her great-grandbabies (minus Henry - he fell asleep moments before dessert)
Of course, Andrew dove right into the cake! It's his signature move!

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