Friday, June 3, 2011

Olivia's Bouncy Birthday

We had a fantastic evening celebrating Olivia's 4th birthday at Bounce U! Grace and Andrew were happy to spend some quality time with their cousins. They had fun bouncing, sliding, exploring, and eating! Afterwards, we headed to Kinchley's for some pizza with Daddy! It was quite a busy day, and we had a blast!
Wally helped Andrew shoot some hoops with a gigantic basketball!
Football anyone?
Gearing up for his layup
Playing hoops
My niece, Shannon, flying down the super slide.
My nephew, Nicky, went down head first... weeeeeeeee!
My niece, Genny, soared down sideways!
The birthday girl, Olivia, and Grace went down this slide countless times together!
It's rare that you'll see my nephew, Shane, without one of his Batman or Superman costumes on!
These two little cousins are such girly girls!
Andrew's turn:-)
My brother, Wally, even had a go.
Happy birthday, Olivia!!!
Pizza and "Hello Kitty" birthday cake
The party family
Make a wish!
Olivia and her big brother, Wally.
Princess Olivia, on her throne, surrounded by her friends and family

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