Sunday, May 29, 2011

Birthday Barbecue

Our Sunday dinner was extra special this week because we had a birthday barbecue to celebrate Nana's 60th. Grace and Andrew were so happy to play with everyone on the screened in porch... especially their baby cousin, Riley. It was a memorable day! The weather, food, and company couldn't have been any better!
Who ever knew that sixty could be so chic?
Grace was Sleeping Beauty today, and she thoroughly enjoyed the Memorial Day cupcakes that Aunt Debbie bought for her.
Uncle Vito surprised Andrew with some sprinkle cookies!
Grace and Andrew love their baby cousin, Riley.
"Happy birthday dear Nana!" Andrew is anxiously awaiting his chance to blow out the candles.
Sister-in-laws... Aunt Debbie and Nana
The whole damn fam

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