Wednesday, May 11, 2011

20 Week Sonogram

We've past the half way point, and we're looking forward to meeting our newest miracle! The four of us were in attendance for the 20 week sonogram this morning, and we're happy to hear that our little Peanut is progressing well:-) Although we could have found out the sex today, we love surprises! We also love trying to guess the sex right up until the very last moment. This little character's heart rate has been all over the place. Today the heart rate was in the 140's/150's, which would lead us to believe that we're having a boy. However, Dan and I are predicting that we're having a girl (at this point), and Grace is convinced she's having a sister. In all honesty, I just really hope and pray for a healthy baby, and either way we're sure to have fun with the newest member of Team Colonna!
Our little angel

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