Saturday, July 21, 2012

Until Next Year

Only 365 more days until our next Sunny Hill vacation! We had such an amazing week, and it was great having so much uninterrupted family time! We also loved the quality time we got to spend with LuLu, Pop, Uncle Ed's family, and Uncle Wally's family. The last day was a bit overcast and chilly, but we were lucky that it didn't rain. Although we didn't get to go to the pool, we spent the entire day outdoors. 
Grace and Andrew were so excited that they received certificates from the Sunny Hill Day Camp at lunch on the last day!
Wally was proud of his little cousin!
Kate was part of the cheering section as well! She's going to miss her Sunny Hill fruit cups from the Garwayne Hall!
Lila and Andrew... I think I'm going to have to keep my eye on these two in the future! We were so happy to see the Kachuba family this week! They hadn't been to Sunny Hill since 1997!
Andrew and Grace were happy to sport their new Sunny Hill gear! We also picked up a cool shirt for Andrew to wear to Military Night next year.
We had a fun afternoon fishing.

Check out the bass that Daddy and Grace caught! It was BIG!
After dinner, we rounded up some of the kids for a group shot in from of Rip Van Winkle. It's fun watching the kids grow up year after year. 
We love catching up with some of the families that we've been going to Sunny Hill with for decades (some of the Bamundo's and Smith's are pictured above).
The Friday Night Lake Party was fantastic. We enjoyed various rides, live music, ice cream, and an awesome firework display.
All lined up waiting for the Bumble Bee.
Kate with her Goddaddy, Uncle Wally, and Aunt Maylene
Choo Choo
The week ended with a bang! We had so much fun!
Thankfully, there were no tears on the last day!

Kate had such a wonderful time! She even learned how to clap! There certainly was a lot to cheer about  this week!

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