Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sunny Hill Wednesday

We're busy making memories here in Greenville, NY! I tried to get the "perfect picture" of my little sweethearts this morning, and these were the best I could get! It's hard work trying to get three little ones to look at the camera and smile at the same time!
(Typical Andrew) I love that his tongue is hanging out of his mouth!
Kate loves swinging, and I LOVE that smile! xoxo
Sunny Hill Farm has the cutest animals I've ever seen!
Olivia joined us while we fished this morning.
Everyone had a turn, but nobody caught a fish. We'll have to try again!
It was quite a busy morning! Grace and Andrew even had the opportunity to go on the "Swing-Go-Round" and "Merry-Go-Round" before lunch.
After we enjoyed another fun afternoon at the splash pad and pools, we headed to an afternoon tea party! Aunt Maylene gave Olivia and Grace matching hair styles! Grace loves having Aunt Maylene do her hair!
All of the children had the opportunity to wear hats and boas to the party. Andrew liked his hat. I wonder if Prince William has ever worn a hat like this to afternoon tea?
The ladies enjoyed their special bite sized cupcakes, and they opted for water instead of iced tea. Look at Grace with her pinky in the air! 
I've got my very own "Fancy Nancy!"
Princess Kate enjoyed being at the tea party, too!
Kate and LuLu had fun dancing to the live music at the BBQ at the Lake Pavilion.
Then it was time for some more "Just for Fun Rides." They loved the Doodlebug! This used to be my favorite ride!
We had such a relaxing night! I loved watching my boys play tag together!
Wednesday nights are my favorite! We played Monte Carlo, and I won twice (my winnings came out to $2.25)! Then we enjoyed a pizza party with  a DJ and karaoke! Grace and Olivia had a great time singing Katy Perry's "Fireworks," and Andrew was a fabulous back up dancer! We had fun watching the little ones dance the night away, and then we had a relaxing night back at the room. 

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