Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunny Hill Monday

As we arrived in the Catskill Mountains this morning, Grace and Andrew were chanting, "Sunny Hill, Sunny Hill!" It makes me so happy that they share the same anticipation that I have for this resort! As a child, I longed for the "3rd week of July." I wrote letters to my Sunny Hill friends all year, and I cried on the last day when we said our goodbyes. Some of my favorite childhood memories occurred at Sunny Hill, and I'm overjoyed that I get to make even more memories here with my own children. We were greeted by LuLu, Pop, Uncle Ed, Aunt Suzanne, Edward, Shannon, Uncle Wally, Aunt Maylene, Wally, Nicky, Olivia, and many old friends at Lake Loree this afternoon for the barbecue lunch at the pavillion. 
After the barbecue, the kiddies had fun playing on one of the many playgrounds.
Then, we headed back to the Arendale 5 to suit up for the pool. Kate looked super cute in her bikini!
Grace and Andrew had a great time playing with their cousins in the splash pad.
Grace was so happy that her feet touched the bottom of the "big pool," and Andrew swam all by himself (with his "swimmies").
Kate loved swimming in the pool, too!
Grace and Andrew love ringing the bell before each meal! I remember running down the hill from the Parkchester, as a child, to do the same thing. 
After dinner, Daddy headed to the golf course, and we headed to the "Alien Park."
Then, we headed to the "Just for Fun Rides." Kate loved her first hay ride!
Grace loved riding on the Bumble Bee with the entire Wally Klein family!
It's so great watching our little cuties enjoying quality time with their cousins!
Today marks Kate's 10 month birthday! Last year, I was hugely pregnant at Sunny Hill. We enjoyed showing off the newest member of our team today! She's such a little sweetheart!!!
We enjoyed watching the magician, "Joey D" perform in the Armae Hall tonight. Andrew desperately wanted to be a volunteer! He even ran onto the stage at one point, and Joey D began auctioning him off! Thankfully, Daddy came to the rescue!
After the show, the children received giant balloons, and Daddy bought them a magic wand!
After all our little sweethearts fell asleep, Uncle Ed made his famous "salsa dogs," and we hung out outside the rooms. It was a great first day, and I'm enjoying our quality family time!

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