Sunday, July 15, 2012

Andrew is 3!!!

Dear Andrew,
     Happy 3rd birthday, Little Man! I can't believe you're already 3 years old! These last few years have flown by, and you have added so much joy to our lives! You are such a little character, and you have more energy than the Energizer Bunny! You are naturally funny, and you always have us laughing! You love Woody "Howdy, Howdy, Howdy" and Buzz "To Infinity and Beyond!" You love  coloring (lefty), being read to, and playing with all your "Toy Story stuffs." You love to sing, listen to music, and play instruments. At story time, you have a tendency to "rock out." You're smart, curious, and extremely cuddly. You are such an amazing brother! You and Grace are best buddies. You've even invented your own game, "Fightypants!" LOL! You're so sweet to baby Kate. You love to give her hugs and kisses, and you call her your little "sweetie pie." You are my boyfriend, and I love you like crazy! I love being your Mommy! You make Daddy and I very proud! We had such a wonderful day celebrating your birthday! You loved your "Batman Party!" Happy birthday, Andrew Gary! I wish you a lifetime of health and happiness! May all your dreams come true! xoxo
Power Rangers! You've never seen an episode, but this was all you wanted for your birthday! You weren't nearly as excited about your new golf clubs.
We had a fun impromptu playdate with Hadley and Sydney this morning. We have such wonderful neighbors! Al and Donna got you an awesome Batmobile, and the Saxons came over with some really cool Spiderman and Cars gifts, too. Everyone spoiled you today!
We invited the entire family over tonight to celebrate your big day! Nanny, Poppy, Nana, Grandpa, LuLu, Pop, Aunt Dana, Uncle Vito, Aunt Mary, Uncle Denis, Jameson, Genny, Shane, and Terry all came over for dinner and birthday cake! 
You LOVED your batman cake!
Gotham City! You received so many cool Batman toys today!
Nana and Grandpa even brought gifts for your sisters!
You looked so cool in your mask!
We were so happy that your Godmommy could come celebrate with us!
You had lots of fun with Shane-o!
We loved watching you excitedly open your cards and gifts!
You look super cool in your brand new personalized Batman book bag! I can't believe you are going to Lollipop School in September! You are getting to be such a big boy! xoxo
My favorite boys!
Happy birthday Dear Andrew! xoxo
While the adults chatted upstairs, you had such a great time watching Toy Story 3 with all the kiddies!
I love you, Little Man! I LOVE your cuddles and "smoocharoonies!"

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