Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

We certainly made memories this Memorial Day Weekend:-) It was a gorgeous day and we had a fun filled family day at the parade and pool. It was so nice having Dan home for a 3 day weekend! He's been super busy at his new job at UBS, and we were happy to spend lots of time with him!
Andrew woke up ready to celebrate!
We were all decked out in our red, white, and blue today!
Happy Memorial Day! (Holiday photo shoots are imperative.)
Grace was so happy to see her friend, Amanda, at the parade. They have so much fun together at Lollipop School and dance class.
Andrew and Daddy waved to all the firetrucks.
We always sit with the Denis Klein family! The children were pleased with all the candy they received from the scouts during the parade.
Grace doesn't really like sitting in the stroller anymore, and she's not crazy about walking either:-)
Perfect pool day
Grace and Andrew are crazy about their "Pop!"
The Klein/Colonna cousins (minus Edward and Shannon)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Birthday Barbecue

Our Sunday dinner was extra special this week because we had a birthday barbecue to celebrate Nana's 60th. Grace and Andrew were so happy to play with everyone on the screened in porch... especially their baby cousin, Riley. It was a memorable day! The weather, food, and company couldn't have been any better!
Who ever knew that sixty could be so chic?
Grace was Sleeping Beauty today, and she thoroughly enjoyed the Memorial Day cupcakes that Aunt Debbie bought for her.
Uncle Vito surprised Andrew with some sprinkle cookies!
Grace and Andrew love their baby cousin, Riley.
"Happy birthday dear Nana!" Andrew is anxiously awaiting his chance to blow out the candles.
Sister-in-laws... Aunt Debbie and Nana
The whole damn fam

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Summer Kickoff

Although it's still the Spring season, we went to the Park Ridge Pool for the first time this afternoon. So, today marks our 1st unofficial Summer day! It was a fun family day complete with the park, pool, Brooklyn's Pizzeria, and Ben and Jerry's. We enjoyed being outdoors for the majority of the day, and we were happy to spend time with the Wally and Denis Klein families at the pool.
Grace and Olivia loved running through the sprinkler in the "kiddie" pool.
Andrew had a little siesta in the shade.
Grace and Daddy went in the big pool, and Grace enjoyed jumping in countless times.
Grace and Olivia modeled their matching cover-ups from Puerto Vallarta.
Andrew and Shane had just as much fun playing knock hockey as they did in the pool.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Nana Celebrates SIXTY!

We had the first of many celebrations for Nana's sixtieth birthday this evening! After a delicious dinner at Bellissimo, we continued the party at our house, and we enjoyed birthday cake and showered Nana with presents. Grace and Andrew had so much fun getting everything ready for the party with me today. They were helpful picking out the tableware, balloons, and a hanging plant (of New Guinea Impatiens, which Grandpa pointed out must be "Italian flowers"). Grace even made sure that Nana had a tiara! With all the birthdays that we've celebrated recently, Andrew is getting very good at singing "Happy birthday to YOU!" Happy birthday, Nana! We love you!
Nana and "little man"
Grace is quite the party girl!
1... 2... 3... JUMP!
Grace crowned Nana with a sparkly tiara.
Festive table decorations and a little "Ring Around the Rosie"
Make a wish!
Grace colored Nana a special Cinderella picture, because "Cinderella is Nana's favorite princess!"
Grandpa and Nana posed for a picture after she opened her gorgeous diamond bracelet:-)
Nana and her babies

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Retirement Extravaganza

After 23 years of teaching 2nd grade at Our Lady of Mercy Academy, my mom has decided to retire. We had such a wonderful evening at the Woodcliff Manor celebrating my Mom. There were well over 100 people at the party, and everyone had so many wonderful things about my mom (some people actually thanked ME for sharing her with them). It's funny to think that my mom started teaching at OLMA when I entered the 5th grade there. I'll never forget all the fun we used to have decorating the classroom. Although I'm certain that my Mom is going to miss teaching 2nd grade, I'm so happy that we're going to get the chance to spend more time together, and I know that we'll certainly be able to keep her busy this September!
Dad and Mom
My "handsome" husband and I
Denis and Mary
Maylene and Wally
Ed and Suzanne
My mom and her siblings
Uncle John, Aunt Maureen, Mom, Dad, Aunt Andrea, and Uncle Walter

My Mom's bridge group:-)
Mom and some of her colleagues
My Mom, Mrs. Johnson, and my Dad admiring the scrapbook and sign-in book. The night was full of surprises!

They may not have it all together, but together they have it all:-)