Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Easter Bunny

We had quite a busy afternoon! Grace and Andrew joined me at my 16 week appointment, and they slept like angels in their stroller the entire time. Grace woke up just in time to hear the new baby's heartbeat with me, which was 160 this time. She also informed Dr. Gerardis of her ingenious name for our new baby... "Cruella Deville!" Recently, she has been telling everyone her name choice. The first time she mentioned it, I was on the phone with Nana and my mouth fell open! Hopefully, by the time our new baby arrives she will like the names we've already selected!
After my doctor appointment, I took Grace and Andrew to the Paramus Park Mall to see the Easter Bunny! Once again, Grace loved the bunny and Andrew was happy to wave from afar. We stopped at Panera on the way home for some soup, salad, and macaroni and cheese. Grace loves to go out to eat! By the time we got home, Daddy was there to greet us:-)
Grace LOVES the Easter Bunny!
Andrew will give the Easter Bunny a high 5, but he doesn't feel comfortable getting too close to him.

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