Saturday, April 23, 2011

EGGcellent Day

We had a super fun day from start to finish! We started off at Grant's 3rd birthday party at JW Tumbles. Grace and Andrew had a great time playing with all their friends! When Daddy got home from work, we headed to Davey's for an early supper. By the time we got back, Grace was ready to start painting her Princess Easter Eggs, and Andrew and Daddy were anxious for me to start making chocolate chip cookies:-) We had a fun family night! We're all set for our brunch in the morning, and when I was getting ready for bed tonight, I realized that the Easter Bunny already came to our house! I can't wait for Grace and Andrew to open their baskets in the morning!
Grace showed off her balancing skills at Grant's party.
Andrew showed off his pizza and cake eating skills:-)
Check out the tiaras on our Easter eggs!
We're ready for company;-)
Thank you Easter Bunny!!!

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