Sunday, April 24, 2011

"Hippity-Hoppity Happy Easter Day"

It's days like this that remind me how truly blessed we are! We spent the entire day surrounded by our family. After 8:30 Mass this morning, we had LuLu, Pop, Nana, Grandpa, Nanny, Poppy, Aunt Dana, and Vito over for breakfast. Grace and Andrew enjoyed showing off their Easter treats, and they were overjoyed to each receive two more Easter baskets! Somehow, every holiday feels like Christmas in this house... We spent the afternoon at LuLu and Pop's house, and the entire Klein family was there! Aunt Maylene always organizes the Easter activities extremely well! The children had such a wonderful time listening to LuLu read their letter from the Easter Bunny. It was priceless to watch each child's eyes light up when they were personally addressed by the Easter Bunny. After the letter, the children went on an Easter Egg Hunt. The eggs were filled with candy or letters (they had to piece together the letters to figure out where the Easter Bunny hid their gifts). This year the presents were hidden in the laundry room, and there was even a gift for Baby Colonna:-) We thoroughly enjoyed our Annual Confetti Egg Fight. There were 103 eggs this year, and everyone had at least one smashed on their head. They were all broken within a few minutes, and we were covered in sparkly confetti! Thank God the rain held off, and we were able to enjoy all of our activities! I loved our Easter celebration! It was nice being surrounded by our loved ones and watching Grace and Andrew play with all of their cousins.
Grace was anxious to open her Easter basket! She couldn't wait to see if the Easter Bunny brought her "Giselle and a Mary Poppins umbrella with a bird on it!"
Andrew loved his Easter basket... especially the Woody hat and candies!
Grace and Mommy outside of 8:30 Mass.
This was her favorite gift of the day!
Nanny and Poppy
We had a wonderful breakfast this morning:-)
LuLu and Pop
Grandpa and Andrew
Grace and Nana
Grace loved the Easter Egg Hunt at LuLu and Pop's!
Confetti Egg Fight = Klein Craziness
Shane, Genny, and Jameson
LuLu and Pop with their 10 grandchildren:-)

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