Saturday, April 9, 2011

Captiva Island, Florida

We just returned from a fabulous week in Captiva Island, Florida! It was an amazing vacation! The resort, weather, and company couldn't have been better! We stayed at the South Seas Island Resort in a beautiful beach villa. We had such a gorgeous view of the Gulf of Mexico, and we enjoyed it every morning from our screened in porch while we ate breakfast. Our days were spent at the beach and pools. The beaches were teeming with seashells, and we found tons of shells along the shore including: a sand dollar, jingle shells (also called mermaids toenails), ands kitten paws. By the end of the week, Grace was able to identify a number of the seashells herself:-) Grace and Andrew loved the resort's trolley bus service, which we took over to the main pools quite a lot. South Seas is a fantastic family resort. We took some stunning walks along the bay. There's an abundance of dolphins in the bay, and we had fun watching them play and jump alongside the fishing boats. We were amazed by the wildlife in Captiva! We saw a frog, a turtle. and a variety of birds and lizards. Each night we tried out a different restaurant with the kids:-) We ate at the Harbourside Bar and Grill, Captiva Cantina, Sunshine Seafood, The Bubble Room, and The Mucky Duck. We also stopped for ice cream a number of times at Queenie's and Scoops and Slices. Our villa was in a great location, because in addition to being a stone's throw from the beach we were also super close to the town. It was nice being in walking distance to great restaurants, live music, and the infamous sunsets outside The Mucky Duck (where everyone claps upon decent). We had so much fun spending quality time together this week! Grace and Andrew even bonded a little more than usual. They enjoyed sharing a room (thank goodness, because they will begin sharing one this summer) and have declared that they are "Best Buddies!" Dan and I were delighted to hear this:-) We are extremely blessed, and it makes us feel so good to see our children getting along so nicely! It was nice to get away and give each other our undivided attention. I was so happy that we were able to take this last minute vacation before Dan's new job at UBS. Family vacations are the BEST!
Sunshine and a sleeping baby in my arms... life is good!
We had so much fun at the pool this week! Grace and Andrew loved repeatedly jumping into the pool:-)
Although Tuesday was a bit rainy and overcast, a little shopping brightened up our day. Grace took this photo of Dan and I in our new Captiva Island sweatshirts.
We loved watching the dolphins out in the bay.
The yellow flowers in Captiva are the most beautiful I've ever seen:-)
Trolley Bus

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