Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lion's Park Easter Egg Hunt

Grace and Andrew had lots of fun at the Easter Egg Hunt at Lion's Park this morning, and we were fortunate that the rain held off until all of the candy was collected:-) It has been such a rainy April! I can't wait for it to truly feel like Springtime. Grace has been very observant of the Easter Bunny this year, and she was quite perplexed as to why there was a Lion in attendance instead of a Bunny. I tried to inform her it was because we were at "Lion's Park," but she truly felt that they should have had an Easter Bunny. Luckily, we had her bunny ears in the car!
Grace stepped in as the Easter Bunny this morning:-) Andrew was very happy with the lollipop he found during the hunt. He wanted it opened immediately, and didn't want to pick up any more candy. He just wanted to enjoy his lollipop and watch the children run wild for treats.
Grace was happy to pose with the lion, and Andrew enjoyed roaring at him from afar.

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