Monday, August 5, 2013

Swim Team Party

We had such a great night celebrating the accomplishments of the Park Ridge Piranhas Swim Team! Grace came home with two awards which included "Super Star Swimmer" and "Most Improved." Dan and I were so proud of her. Grace loved being on the team this Summer. Although the practices were very early, it was nice to be at the pool by 8:00 AM. We loved spending our weekday mornings with family and friends. 
Bella, Grace, Andrew, and Olivia enjoyed the pizza party!
Kate and Gavin had lots of fun swimming in the kiddie pool. These two play so nicely together! 
Grace was so proud of her cousin during the award ceremony. When Olivia returned to her seat, Grace greeted her with a huge bear hug!
The girls were all smiles during the awards ceremony.  Miss Melanie had nice things to say about each of her swimmers.
They even got to bring tubes into the big pool during the party!
Grace and Miss Melanie (her 1st swim teacher)

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