Saturday, August 10, 2013

Lake George ~ Day 3

We had such an incredible morning catching up with the Gustafson family. Julie, Eric, and Gus lived right around the corner from us in London. We shared so many memories together during our time there, and we were happy that they were able to spend a couple of hours with us at the resort before heading back to Boston. Grace was so happy to see Gus (her 1st friend)! We swam, chatted, and had a tasty lunch at The LakeHouse. After we bid farewell, we took our cuties on a horse and carriage ride throughout the resort. Grace, Andrew, and Kate were crazy about the horses... Rusty and Randy. It was a gorgeous day, and we took advantage of a lot of pool time. We were so happy that we were able to get a table at the Pavilion tonight. We had an amazing meal there on Thursday, and we wanted to stay on the resort for our last night. After dinner we headed to the Bonfire with S'mores. Grace and Andrew had so much fun making them, and Kate, Dan and I were happy to eat them! It has been such a wonderful trip. It's sad to think that tomorrow is our last day.
I was so happy to see Julie! We were pregnant together in London, and I'll never forget those first few months we spent with Grace and Gus.
Grace and Gus
Kate was crazy about Scarlett!
Dan and Erik
Look at these cool kids! They had their own special seats at lunch today;
We enjoyed our "Cinderella Carriage Ride."
Grace, Andrew, and Kate were mesmerized by the horses.
The poolside bar even has yummy drinks for the kids!
We had another fantastic meal at the Pavilion! I think it's the best restaurant at the resort!
The bonfire with S'mores was an awesome Adirondack experience! Grace and Andrew loved roasting the marshmallows. 
Kate took her S'mores eating seriously.

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