Sunday, August 4, 2013

Birthday Finale

Sunday dinner at Nana and Grandpa's was quite festive this evening! We celebrated Andrew, Mommy, and Aunt Dana's birthdays. It was nice to finally get everyone together. I can't believe we celebrated into August this year!
Aunt Dana and Uncle Vito surprised Andrew with a special Scooby Doo cake. He was in his glory! It tasted as good as it looks!
Andrew was excited to have the opportunity to blow out his 4th round of birthday candles. 4 cakes for our 4 year old!
Make a wish sweet boy! xoxo
Andrew, Grace, and Kate helped Mommy and Aunt Dana blow out the candles on our cake.
"Hi-Ho the derry-o and Andrew cut's the cake!"
Belly Bump! Munchkin and Peanut had a playdate!

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