Saturday, August 31, 2013

"Labor" Day Weekend Festivities

We've officially passed Aunt Dana's due date, and we're anxiously awaiting the arrival of her little Munchkin! Dan got home from work a little early yesterday, and we kicked off Labor Day Weekend by hosting a barbecue at our house with LuLu, Pop, and the Wally Klein family. Dan and Wally needed to start discussing their fantasy football team (they have their big draft at Ed's house on Sunday). It was a great night! Maylene taught us the secret recipe for her salsa and guacamole, the kids had fun playing together, and we relaxed and enjoyed each other's company on the deck. 
This morning we went to Ethan Allen for the Labor Day sales and to order the window treatments for our great room. While we were there, we ordered all the furniture for the playroom. We decided on an American flag theme. I can't wait to see the final product! After a little nap, we headed to Nana and Grandpa's to celebrate Uncle Vito's birthday. As always, Grace, Andrew, and Kate had a blast playing on their swing set with Grandpa. We also got to see Terry and Nanny! It was a fun night, and we're anxious to see if Uncle Vito will share his birthday with his little Munchkin!
Grace and Olivia gave us a little fashion show on Friday night!
"Happy Birthday Uncle Vito!" He had lots of little helpers!
"Belly Bump!" Munchkin and Peanut have already begun to enjoy their playdates. Aunt Dana is getting induced on Monday. So, the next time we see her, we get to meet Munchkin... HOORAY!

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