Saturday, December 24, 2011

Our Merriest Christmas

Today was magical! It was a Christmas that Dan and I will never forget! Katherine was all smiles today, and I think she truly enjoyed her first Christmas! Grace and Andrew's eyes danced all day! From the moment they woke up until we left Nana and Grandpa's tonight... they were overcome with happiness! Santa surprised all of us with fabulous gifts, and everyone was extremely thoughtful and generous. We are so blessed to have such a loving family! We spent our morning opening presents, and hosting a fun-filled breakfast with LuLu, Pop, Nana, and Grandpa. Grace and Andrew loved playing with all their new gifts! Grace was amazed by princess castle and her "big girl bike," and Dan had so much fun watching her ride it outside. He said that he's never seen her so happy. Andrew received countless Toy Story gifts, and he was excited that the elves put together his Buzz car! If you ask him what he got for Christmas, he'll excitedly yell, "underpants!" I guess it's time to start potty training! During breakfast, we laughed over the jokes in our Christmas Crackers, which was a fun tradition to bring home with us from London. We spend our afternoon and evening at Nana and Grandpa's, and we tore through another spectacular round of presents! Nana and Grandpa outdid themselves again! We had a delicious meal, and Grace and Andrew enjoyed playing with their second cousins, James and Jenna. We had such a memorable day, and we look forward to celebrating Christmas with the Klein family in the morning!

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