Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Our Christmas Eve was "splendiferous!" We had such a relaxing day at home listening to Christmas music, writing a letter to Santa, watching "The Elf Story" for the umpteenth time, and preparing for our Christmas morning festivities. After Dan watched the Giants vs. Jets, we headed to 5:30 Mass. Grace and Andrew slept through Mass, and they were well rested for Nana and Grandpa's. Presentation Church was beautifully decorated, and the musicians were fantastic. We enjoyed singing along to Oh Holy Night and Joy to the World! We had such a memorable night! Nana and Grandpa made such a delicious meal including coconut shrimp, crab cakes, zuppa di pesce, and a huge assortment of Christmas cookies! Grace and Andrew saw Santa's sleigh flying in the night sky, and when Aunt Dana and Uncle Vito arrived they found two presents outside that must have fallen off of his sleigh!!! Grace was so excited to receive her Tinkerbell doll, and Andrew loved opening his Toy Story Memory Game! We exchanged gifts with Nanny and Poppy, and Grace and Andrew loved their new suitcases! Nanny made a big fuss over the 2012 calendar we made, and they loved their framed family photos. It was such a special night! We enjoyed each other's company and the food was delish! Grace and Andrew are SO EXCITED for Santa to visit! In fact, when Grace woke up this morning, she was disappointed because she thought Santa didn't come. So, she is quite ready! Our cookies, chocolate milk, letter, and reindeer food are out! We're looking forward to celebrating Katherine Rose's first Christmas!

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