Monday, December 12, 2011

Breakfast with Santa

The Pascack Junior Women's Club threw a fabulous Breakfast with Santa at the Westwood Community Center this morning. We woke up bright and early and dressed the kids in their Christmas best for the occasion. Kate slept the entire time, and Grace and Andrew were extremely busy making reindeer food, crafting ornaments, writing letters to Santa, jingling bells, and rocking around the Christmas tree! We mailed their letters in hopes that we'll receive one back from Santa Claus, and before we left we visited the guest of honor! Dan and I loved watching the kids having so much fun!
Our big girl signed her own name to her letter!
I'm sure she had "visions of sugar plums" dancing in her head!
Our funny Little Man entertained us at Aunt Dana and Uncle Vito's Christmas party tonight. We had some delicious treats and enjoyed visiting their new home.

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