Friday, December 16, 2011

Kate is 3 Months!

I can't believe our baby is already 3 months old! Kate weighed in at 12 pounds 12 ounces at her 3 month check-up (the exact same weight Mommy was at 3 months). She is the perfect addition to our family! We are all crazy about Kate, and she appears to be crazy about us, too! She's such a happy baby... always smiling. Her eyes dance when she watches us, and she brings us so much joy. She actually slept through the night a couple times this month, which was fantastic! We used to think that parents who said their baby slept through the night were lying! Hopefully, this will continue. Kate loves to coo ("have conversations") and sleep on her tummy (which is a no no). Dan and I constantly remind ourselves how blessed we are to have 3 healthy and happy children. Daddy brought home Mommy's favorite cupcakes for the celebration tonight! When his office moves to NYC on Monday, he will only be a short walk from Magnolia Bakery! YUM!
We've been enjoying our monthly celebrations and photo shoots with our little sweetheart!
Getting ready to celebrate her 1st Christmas;-)
My favorite Christmas present arrived early this year! I love you baby Kate! xoxo

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