Thursday, August 25, 2011

Point Pleasant

I started the day with some contractions. So, we almost cut our vacation short. However, after an hour I came to the realization that I was just experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, and we decided stay and make the most of our first overcast day of the week. It wound up being the perfect day to head to Point Pleasant and check out the Jenkinson's Boardwalk. On our way to the amusement park rides, Andrew fell asleep, and I felt bad that he didn't get to go the rides. Grace, however, had a blast ride hopping. We had a quick lunch on the boardwalk, and then we went to the aquarium. The aquarium was spectacular! I was amazed by the creative exhibits and the diverse collection of life from aquatic habitats. We saw lots of turtles, sharks, seals, piranhas, penguins, and various other undersea creatures. Grace and I enjoyed the "Please Touch" exhibit, and we were all amazed when we watched the seals at feeding time. We had such a great afternoon, and we were sure to stop at the Sweet Shop for some salt water taffy before heading back to "Terry's house" in Lavalette. It's been a fun filled week! I love spending time with our family without any distractions!
Doesn't this look like a scene from Mary Poppins?
Andrew was so excited to stick his head into the diving mask!
The Colonna boys enjoyed checking out the frogs.
Grace is all about striking a pose these days;-)
It was amazing how many cool tricks the seals were able to do during their feeding time!
Andrew was fascinated by the monkeys.
The aquarium even had a cute learning center with lots of fun activities for Grace and Andrew.
The Macaws reminded Andrew of Go, Diego, Go.
Grace was astounded by the size of the shark's jaw on exhibit!
She wasn't too sure if she liked the feel of the starfish in the "Please Touch" exhibit.
The penguin exhibit was our last stop at the aquarium. I look forward to returning here in the future!

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