Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy 75th, Pop!

Hurricane Irene didn't stop us from getting the entire Klein family together to celebrate Pop's 75th birthday!!! We may have lost our power for most of the day, had some water come in through the kids bedroom, and dodged a bunch of fallen trees along the journey, but we made it to LuLu and Pop's ready for a good time:-) As always, Grace and Andrew had a blast running around the house playing with their cousins. We are very blessed. Thankfully, no one in our family had much damage from the hurricane. We are truly fortunate to have each other and our amazing Dad/Pop:-) The big guy certainly keeps us entertained. He's never afraid to speak his mind, he's always willing to lend a hand to those in need, and his feistiness always has us laughing. Happy 75th birthday, Dad/Pop! We love you like crazy! xoxo
Happy 75th Birthday! xoxo

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