Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Amazing 8th Anniversary

It's hard to believe that 8 years have passed, since I married the love of my life! These have been the best years of my life. We've had so much fun together and accomplished so much! We've had 3 homes: Hoboken, London, and Ramsey, we've traveled to over 20 countries together, and we've begun to make a beautiful family of our own. Grace and Andrew have brought us countless joys, and we look forward to meeting our little Peanut next month. I feel blessed to be married my best friend. I'm "Amazed" by you Danny Colonna! I love you more and more each day! Happy Anniversary! xoxo
On our way to the Stonyhill Inn to enjoy a delicious dinner and celebrate our 8th anniversary:-)
8 Years Ago Today (Outside the Stonyhill Inn)
This was one of my favorite moments from our wedding!

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