Sunday, September 29, 2013

World of Wings

Andrew and I had an amazing afternoon celebrating the birthday of his friend, Elyas, at World of Wings in Teaneck. I got to meet lots of his new classmates, and I enjoyed watching him interact with his school friends. When we arrived, we went straight to the exhibit area where Andrew had the chance to pet a python and bearded dragon! Then we headed to the butterfly atrium, and Andrew used his magnifying glass to inspect various types of beautiful butterflies! 
He couldn't wait for his turn to pet the python.
There were so many different species of butterflies in the atrium.
Andrew was so excited when a butterfly crawled onto his finger, and he had the opportunity to examine it more closely.
There was all kinds of fun stuff upstairs... including a rock climbing wall.
Caterpillars turn into...
Butterflies! WOW! 
We made some gigantic bubbles in the Bubble Room.
Before heading home, we made a second trip into the atrium.
He got the chance to hold a second butterfly!
I had such a memorable afternoon with my boyfriend! 

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