Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wild Wednesdays!!!

Our Wednesdays are wild due to our jam-packed schedule! Kate has a class at J.W. Tumbles, Andrew has karate, and Grace has dance. 
Andrew brought in his "All About Me" poster this morning. He was so proud of his "artwork!"
Kate and I had such a great time "hanging around" with all of our Tumbles friends this morning! It's so nice to be back in the "swing" of things!
Kate was so happy to see her friends this morning! She has become so independent! I loved watching her confidently go from one activity to the next!
She had such a great time playing Peek A Boo with the pink scarf!
Michael, Jared, and Andrew did such a great job at their 1st karate class!
Grace had so much fun at her 1st dance class! She's fortunate to have so many friends in her class this year!

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